
  • Getting back on track

    Five years passed, and I realised that I still had a blog about software development. So many things have happened during this period, and I think it is worth sharing.

  • PHP: send datetime to JavaScript

    Often when working with Rest API, or ajax requests, the datetime information must be sent from back-end to front-end. Sometimes, to convert from received datetime format to JavaScript Date object supported format might be really annoying.

  • Language change

    For now on I’m going to post here in English and possibly in Portuguese (I’m still reading about to make this blog multi-language).

  • PHP, Traits e Singleton

    A minha maior motivação em participar do fórum iMasters, sempre foi ajudar, ensinar e aprender. O último, como sempre, é o maior ganho que se pode ter, aprender enquanto ajuda alguém com dificuldade. Dentro desse contexto, algumas situações acabam nos dando uma lição ainda mais surpreendente.

  • First things first

    So, here we are and here we go.

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